
SP 8266 Home Automation Module

Designed inhouse and assembled in the UK – The PCB that holds a 220vAC to 5v/3v converter and breaks out a ESP-8266-12E Module for under £5 per module.

This project proved to be vital to many home automation projects.

C2533 Module

A business sensitive project to help a company in Mexico for specific vending machines. We created a special PCB using Texas Instrument low power CC2533 that will help this company achieve an innovative presence within the vast client base. The project involves 8051 firmware design, a native Android application, and a MVC 5 customer website.

Raspberry Pi

Published Raspberry Pi Server Essentials after getting heavily involved with this ARM based micro computer that runs Raspbian (Debian) Linux OS.

Published Raspberry Pi 2 Server Essentials which include updates to previous editions and new chapters, including Windows IoT


Long time prototypers in the Arduino hacker space.


As certified Microsoft Specialists it would be negligible of us not to own and create some hardware solutions using the Netduino platform.

Data Recovery Specialist

With passion for hardware electronics and the constant issue of failing hard drives we tried to establish a Data Recovery Company with the limited resources we had. We can conclude that it was neither successful or unsuccessful. We certainly entered a niche marked filled with technological secrets but we pushed on and had many successful jobs, with clients still calling us today. Our failure was caused to the fact that we needed about £250,000 to properly set up the company and the banks weren’t having it? We definitely have a rare insight into this technology that helps us in software development and server configurations better than most IT “professionals”.

  • Currently own a Deepspar Recovery suite for ad-hoc data recovery jobs
  • PC-Image experience
  • Salvation Data – Forensic Recovery Experience
